Graphene in the energy sector

The electrical and thermal conductivity of graphene make it an ideal material choice for a range of heating applications, including underfloor heating, mobile heating, and automotive interiors.

Graphene in health

Traditionally, biosensors, such as the types used in blood glucose testing use metallics and carbon materials. The use of graphene in these biosensor diagnostic tools aims to reduce the metallics used to improve costs and the environmental impact.

Graphene in electronics

Given its superior conductivity over gold, copper and silver, conductive inks with functionalised graphene have the potential to be used in printed electronics applications for creating bus bars in photovoltaics, printing electrodes in sensors and circuits, printing RFID antennas, and creating smart packaging, where graphene offers a cheaper alternative to silver-based inks.

Graphene in aerospace

There is demand for strong but light materials in applications in the aerospace industry. Carbon fibre composites are increasingly being used in the construction of aircraft because they can significantly reduce weight, save fuel and reduce emissions.

Graphene in automotive

There is an increasing role for graphene driven by the growing trend to substitute conventional steel with other metals in vehicles with lighter weight materials.

Graphene in 3D printing and additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, can directly fabricate three-dimensional parts through the sequential layer stacking of materials.

Graphene in functionalised powders

Looking to enhance your product offering in any industry or application area, Haydale can work with you to functionalise your nanomaterials and graphene powders to develop the next generation of products for the electronics, automotive and metal forming industries.